I am honored to present the book launch for
Eileen Elliott’s debut poetry collection
Prodigal Cowgirl.
Please join us this evening for this very special event:
Open Mic Poetry
hosted by Christopher Luna
7:00pm Thursday, September 10, 2009
& every second Thursday
Cover to Cover Books
1817 Main Street, Vancouver
McLoughlin Blvd. & Main Street
“always all ages and uncensored”
For more info call 514-0358 or 910-1066
With our featured reader, Eileen Elliott: Eileen Davis Elliott came from a 1950's Midwest isolation still reeling from the Great Depression and World War II, and has been a time traveler ever since. She has explored the emerging Eastern Europe, women moving from school marms to combat pilots, and her own spirituality, stopping at Buddhism, shamanistic ideas, and revisiting the wisdom of the Golden Rule. She is a psychologist, (PhD from University of Missouri), artist (self-taught), and writer of prose and poetry. She also makes a passable apple pie and has recently taken up mah jongg. Prodigal Cowgirl is a collection of 120 poems summarizing a lifetime of seeking and occasional resolution with the world including the rural midwest, Central Europe emerging from the Cold War, and the guy on the freeway off ramp. This book asks the questions of who we are and what we might want to do about it.
Prodigal Cowgirl is available for $14.99 (or $10 download) from Lulu.com or by e-mailing the author at: eileenelliott1@hotmail.com
Here is Toni Partington's review of the book,
which appeared in a recent issue of the Vancouver Voice:
From farm life to foreign and back
By Toni Partington
Published September 02, 2009
Vancouver continues to provide creative outlets for artists, writers and musicians and, if I dare say, we’re drawing a regular crowd from across the bridge. A big nod to our local music scene and the steady growth of arts at the First Friday events. The addition of the Uptown district has expanded First Friday into a full night out with plenty of free entertainment, food, lively characters and a variety of art for all sensibilities. What has me most excited though, is the inclusion of poetry via spoken word opportunities around town. July’s Friday event included a poetry open mic in Uptown Village, broadcasted live on KOUG radio. In September, words that inspire art and art that inspires words will be featured at the Angst Gallery in downtown. Writers and poets are making the creative scene in a much-awaited public way.
This leads me to the biggest literary news this month. For several years I have made open mic rounds (both on this side and the other side of the river), attended local poetry workshops and tried every avenue to meet and work with other writers. I noticed early on that we have major talent in this town. I’ve experienced an improvement in my craft as a result of knowing and working with folks. Now, one of our own, whose work has enticed me for years, has put together a collection of ninety-nine poems that encompass a life well lived. The book is Prodigal Cowgirl and the poet is Eileen Davis Elliott. This beautiful book covers the years 1944 to present in four sections. The first, Looking Backward Into My Own Back Yard, 1944-66, is a rich, unvarnished exposé of farm life. Section two, A Life Of Exploration, The Larger World, 1966-2000, includes worldwide travels and startling observations while capturing the magnificence of self-discovery in foreign lands. Section three, Exploring the Inner World, touches on a life hard-lived and hard-loved, and section four, Homecoming, reminds us that life is full of hope, reflection, and disappointment. Reading these poems I thought: I know that, I’ve felt that, I’ve lived that.
It is not easy for any writer or poet to come this close to the essence of humanity. Yet, Ms. Elliott, after four decades as a psychologist, two as an artist and one as a poet, has a style and punch that grabs the reader by the throat and screams, “Pay attention, this is real!”
Do yourself a favor: attend the book launch for Prodigal Cowgirl on September 10, at 7 p.m. at Cover To Cover Books in Uptown Village, Vancouver. The author will read from her book and answer questions. There will be an open mic afterwards if you feel inspired. For more information call Cover To Cover Books at 360-514-0358.
Toni Partington contributes to life as a poet, editor and life/career coach. Her poetry has appeared in VoiceCatcher 3 & Anthology of the River Poets’ Society, NW Women’s Journal and others. She is involved in promoting poetry, writing, and art in Vancouver with a lively group of friends and peers. She facilitates Life In The Moment, Poetry & Other Riches, which can be found on the web at www.poettone.blogspot.com.
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